• Overview

Our Mission

In the spirit of Mary Ward, we aim to develop the personal, social, educational, and vocational development of the students and to prepare them for their role as autonomous, participative and responsible members of society.

Our Focus

The focus of our programme is such that each student, through new experiences, new knowledge, new emphasis, new expectations, and new goals, is enabled to foster personal growth and development. 

Our Aims

The aims of our programme are inspired by the school’s caring ethos and structured environment.  In the spirit of Mary Ward, our programme seeks to promote the potential of all students.

  • Education for maturity, with the emphasis on personal development, including social awareness and increased social competence.
  • The promotion of general, technical and academic skills, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary and self-directed learning.
  • Education through experience of adult working life as a basis for personal development and maturity.

Transition Year Overview Video

Code of Behaviour

The same code of behaviour applies in Transition Year as in all other years.  If a student misses 20 or more uncertified days she will not graduate from Transition Year.  Poor attendance, non participation, negative attitude and a poor discipline record will also result in failure to graduate.

Benefits of Transition Year

  • Personal development
  • Career preparation
  • Greater academic results
  • Personal growth and maturity
  • Opportunity to enjoy new experiences

Transition Year Journal

The Transition Year journal is the school journal that is designed to help students organise their work.  Details of all coursework for subjects and modules, including homework, are to be recorded in the journal.  It also enables and guides students to reflect and self-evaluate throughout the year.

The journal includes:

  • Core subject evaluation records (Weekly Diary)
  • Module/project/option evaluation records
  • Work experience evaluations
  • Trips/Tour evaluations
  • Guest Speaker evaluations
  • Book Review records – Click the link for this year’s TY Reading List
  • End of year evaluation


The transition Year notice board facilitates positive communication opportunities for Transition Year students within the school environment. This noticeboard displays information about the many activities, programmes, and committees that Transition Year students participate in throughout the year.