Transition Year Prize Giving

Transition Year students have been very busy this week attending their prizegiving ceremony and rehearsing for their celebration evening. Prizegiving has been an integral part of our school calendar since the establishment of the school in 1857 and this whole school occasion provides an opportunity for the school to recognise both the academic and extracurricular efforts and achievements of students.

Academic Endeavour Award.

This award celebrates and recognises the commitment and hard work of a particular student in your class. These students have
demonstrated a positive attitude and displayed an excellent work ethic. These students have worked to the best of their ability and are very much a positive force within the class.

Students who have received outstanding endeavour in more than one subject-

Caitlin Clarke- History, French, Maths
Emily Hickey- Computer science, home ec, maths, music
Megan Nolan- English, LCPE
Ruby Rose Carberry- Maths, Art
Anne Marie Gelera- French, Irish
Cara McDonagh- History, Chemistry
Hana Murphy- Irish, Technology
Hayley Lyons- Maths, Irish
Heather Dredge- Irish, Economics
Jill Flynn- Business, Irish
Sophie McGrath- Irish, Maths
Aoife Curley- LCPE, Biology
Emmalise O’Boyle- German, Biology
Katie McEntee- Politics, Biology
Cara Mullen- Physics, Chemistry.

Individual Academic Endeavour

English: Paula Hernandez- Lopez, Emily Gorman, Marta Fuster- Manas, Kayla Ferguson, Ella Scott, Aoibhinn Hegarty
Irish: Chloe Stanford, Aisling Garvey
Maths: Aoife Boylan, Brónagh McCormack, Laoise Hodnett
Business: Jessica Barugh, Hannah Molloy
Accounting: Caoimhe O’Brien
Biology: Emma Dowling, Jodie Kelly, Áine Blount, Ailbhe Cassidy
Art: Laoise O Connor, Darcey Wright
Geography: Alana Markey
French: Kate Kearney, Elyse Jones, Nell Richardson Kavanagh
Home Economics: Francesca Bazarchina de Oliveria, Niamh Callaghan
Applied Maths: Ciara Byrne


Excellence in Applied Technology
Congratulations to Cara Mullen for her success in attaining national recognition in the State Exams in 2023 for Applied Technology. This award is only presented to the top 10 students in this subject nationwide. The Techno Teachers Association presents this award to recognise her high achievement.




Sports Awards.

This year has been a very successful year in the sporting life of Loreto Balbriggan. Participation in extracurricular sport plays a very important part in the life of the school and the following students were recognised for their commitment.


Athletics: Ashley Guinan
Basketball: Emma Grant
Camogie: Lily Tully
Gaelic Football: Aoife Curley
Hockey: Emer Fanning
Soccer: Erin Butler
Tennis: Ella Finnegan
Volleyball: Nancy Mustafav.

Transition Year Local History Prize: Ruby Rose Carberry.

Transition Year  Mary Ward Person of the Year Award: Emma Dowling.


Transition Year Sport’s Person of the Year: Rachel Kennedy

Transition Year Student of the Year: Caitlin Clarke.