School of Sanctuary and Loreto in South Sudan

We are delighted to announce that this year, our school has become a proud member of Schools of Sanctuary Ireland. This important step builds on the strong culture of diversity and inclusion that we have long fostered in Loreto Balbriggan. As a School of Sanctuary, we are committed to promoting a welcoming, safe, and inclusive environment for everyone, especially refugees, migrants, marginalised ethnic minorities, and other vulnerable groups. A key part of this initiative is helping our students and staff understand the “whys and hows” of offering sanctuary—learning how to show compassion, support, and respect to those in need. Equally important is our focus on celebrating diversity and embracing differences. We aim to nurture a school community where every student values and respects the identities, cultures, and perspectives of others. To mark the beginning of this journey, this Friday, 25th October, we are inviting all students and staff to sign our School of Sanctuary pledge. This pledge represents our collective commitment to creating an environment where everyone feels welcomed and supported, and where we respond thoughtfully to the needs of those seeking sanctuary both in our community and beyond.


Loreto in South Sudan

Our Transition Year students had the opportunity to interview Sr. Ann Farren about her work in Loreto Rumbek, South Sudan. Sr. Ann shared her experiences from the early days of the school’s development in a region deeply affected by war and conflict. Her commitment and insight gave the students a better understanding of the challenges faced by communities in Rumbek, and the significant impact war can have on families and society as a whole. The discussion also highlighted the role of education in providing stability and promoting justice in such difficult circumstances. The students are currently working on a documentary focused on Justice and Education for the Trocaire Right Focus Documentary-Making Competition, and Sr. Ann’s experiences provided valuable context for their project. We look forward to seeing how they incorporate these insights into their work.

We are also really looking forward to Rumbek Day this Friday, 25th October, where the school community will come together to raise funds for our sister school in Rumbek and the building of a second Loreto school in South Sudan.