November 13th
Reminder to all parents/guardians that the final day to accept a place for 1st year students 2021/2022 is November 26th at 4 pm. Due to the ongoing pandemic acceptance forms must be returned to the school by post. Any acceptance forms received after November 26th will be deemed as late and the student’s name will be placed at the end of the waiting list.
Exam week for all students will commence November 18th and run until November 25th. It is very important that all students attend school this week and that no appointments are scheduled between 18th and 25th November.
We celebrated ‘Science Week’ this week. Numerous in-class activities were organised for our science students. Our first year students participated in a spaghetti tower challenge in their classes and the best towers were judged by the Science Captains. Science quizzes were organised for second and third year classes and senior students completed an egg drop challenge using parachutes which they had designed. Winners from every class won prizes for their achievements! The Science Captains also used this week to raise awareness of women in stem – past and present. Many thanks to the Science captains who did a fantastic job of promoting the wonders of Science.
TY physics students testing parachutes which they designed themselves.
Loreto Balbriggan is very proud to be a part of the Pieta House Amber Flag initiative. This wonderful initiative promotes positive mental health in schools. On Friday the school was awarded an Amber flag recognising all the efforts that we, as a school community have done to promote positive mental health.