On Thursday evening TY students along with their teachers, parents and guardians celebrated a wonderful year that was full of new experiences and opportunities. The students entertained the audience with a mixture of music, sports…
read moreJunior prizegiving was held on Wednesday. Prizegiving has been an integral part of our school calendar since the establishment of the school in 1857 and this whole school occasion provides an opportunity for the school…
read moreThe Final Farewell This week marked the final week in Loreto Balbriggan for our 6th years. The fun started early last Friday with ‘Pranks Day’ with both staff and students joining in the fun. …
read moreSenior Student of the Year : Olivia Brennan. Music Student of the Year: Clodagh O’Dwyer. Sports Person Of the Year: Holly Brady. Mary Ward Award : Laura Fagan. Business Student of the Year:…
read moreAcademic Achievement Award. It is very important for us to acknowledge academic achievement in school, as it is the essence of our day to day work. This award acknowledges academic excellence and recognises those students…
read moreTransition Year students have been very busy this week attending their prizegiving ceremony and rehearsing for their celebration evening. Prizegiving has been an integral part of our school calendar since the establishment of the school in…
read moreSciFest Congratulations to Grace Allen and Aisling Ní Aonghusa who won the Irish Science Teacher’s Award for their SciFest@College entry “How does the Stroop correlate reaction times to age, sleep patterns, and lifestyle choices” …
read moreOn Wednesday, we held our first career fair for all TY, 5th and 6th-year students since the pandemic. We are very pleased to say that Trinity, DCU, UCD, TUD, UL, Maynooth, along with 30 other…
read moreJunior History. The 3rd Years had a fantastic day on their History Trip. They visited Epic- The Irish Emigration Museum and had a guided tour of Glasnevin Cemetery. Great fun was had by all. Gaisce…
read moreFingal Student Enterprise Programme . Loreto Balbriggan has had a long and very successful history with Fingal Enterprise Awards and this year the school’s success continued with two of our student enterprises scooping two of…
read morePE Xpo On Tuesday we held our first ever PE XPo school competition. PE Xpo is a competition that examines the science behind sport. It is a project-based competition that gives teachers and students an…
read moreCongratulations to Ella Mc Carthy, Ella Markey and Iyobo Ugiagbe who were celebrated as Entrance Scholars to Trinity College due to their significant academic achievements at Leaving Certificate. All three students had secured the maximum…
read moreSenior English On Friday Loreto Balbriggan welcomed poet Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin. Her visit, in association with Poetry Ireland, marked the first ever Leaving Cert poet to address senior cycle students at Loreto Balbriggan. The acclaimed…
read moreDíospóireacht Ghaeilge Sáriarracht déanta ag ár bhfoireann sóisearach agus sinearach aréir sa dara bhabhta i gComórtas Díospóireachta Gael Linn. Both teams were narrowly beaten, but judges were full of praise for their high ‘caighdeán…
read moreInternet Safety Talk for Parents Tuesday, Feb 7th, 2023 @ 7.30pm All parents are invited to join Trend Micro host Avril Ronan on Safer Internet Day to embrace what’s truly important when it…
read moreThis week we celebrated Mary Ward Week and Catholic Schools’ Week- The theme for Catholic Schools Week is ‘Walking Together in Faith’ and as a Catholic school, Mary Ward’s values are at the heart…
read moreFor the fourth time, Loreto Balbriggan has been placed in the top four finalists in the finals of the BT Young Scientist and Technology competition in the RDS. Congratulations to Abigail O’Brien Murray, Olivia…
read moreWe would like to welcome all staff and students back to school as we begin a new term. It will be a busy term for 6th and 3rd year students as they commence their mock…
read moreOn Tuesday we held our annual Carol Service. It was an opportunity for all students to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas and it was lovely to welcome the sisters from the convent…
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