Now that decisions have been made at Government level regarding schools, we can now move forward with our plans on online teaching and learning which begins on Monday 11th January at 9.10 am. Communications have been sent to all parents/guardians and students with regard to online learning arrangements. We would advise all parents/guardians to check their emails for all relevant information.
The BT Young Scientist took place took place this week, albeit virtually this year. Yet again Loreto Balbriggan students submitted some very interesting projects and were duly rewarded.
Congratulations to Jessica Chen and Alana O’Connor for achieving 2nd place overall in the Social and Behavioural Sciences Junior Group category for their project entitled “Can Relative Pitch Affect A Person’s Ability To Reproduce and Pronounce Languages?” the project investigates if relative pitch can affect a person’s ability to reproduce and pronounce tonal languages.
Congratulations also goes to Natalie Arachchige, Sophie O’Leary and Nikolet Serbezova, for achieving 2nd place overall in the Social and Behavioural Sciences Intermediate category for their interesting project entitled “Are People With A Strong General Belief In Conspiracy Theories, Less Likely To Have Confidence In The Safety and Efficacy of Vaccinations?”
Many Thanks to Mr. Higgins and Ms. White for all their help and encouragement with all the students in the lead up to this week.