Further Success for BT Young Scientists
5th year student Jane Oakely and 4th year Erica O’Brien whose project ‘Ants face the maze: light pollution’s effect on Camponotus nicobarensis’ navigational compass‘ came 1st in the Biological Sciences Senior Group Prize in the recent BT Young Scientist enjoyed further success this week. Doctor Fidelma Butler of the school of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences in UCC met with the girls to discuss further dissemination of their research. Dr. Butler was so impressed with the detailed and scientific content of the project that she invited Erica and Jane as guest speakers to present their project findings to representatives from the LIVE Ecomuseum and the Kerry International Dark Sky Reserve at a monthly stargazing webinar next Thursday, February 3rd. Each month, a special guest is invited to discuss their research relating to the dark skies and their impact on the ecosystem. The girl’s findings on the effect of artificial light on ant’s navigation will most certainly be an interesting talking point at the webinar! We are delighted for the girls that their incredible work has been recognised and applauded by Dr. Butler. Truly exciting times ahead!
National Winner
Congratulations to TY student Isobel Murphy who won the nationwide mural design competition organised by Languages Connect. Isobel’s wonderful design was inspired by her strong interest in languages. A key component of her design is the use of sign language to spell out the word ‘language’ across the image. She wishes to emphasise that the one thing that we all have in common is the use of language. The hands in the image represent diversity in all communities. Isobel has something else to look forward to, as part of her prize involves a professional artist coming to the school to paint her design on a wall.
Extra Curricular
Irish Debating

All of hockey teams have been very busy this week competeing in the Leinster League.
Congratulations to the following teams.
Senior A who drew 1:1 to St Kilian’s
Senior B hockey team who beat The High Scholl 3:0.
1st year hockey team who beat Mount Temple 1:0.
Commiserations to our 2nd year hockey team who were beaten 3:1 by Mount Temple.
Loreto Hockey Tournament
Our First year hockey players enjoyed participating in the 8×8 Loreto Hockey Tournament this week. Many thanks to all our TY students who have given so generously of their time to coach and encorage our budding 1st year hockey players .
Venerable Mary Ward Week
This week we celebrated Venerable Mary Ward Week and Catholic School’s Week. As part of our celebrations, Mary Ward’s charisms have been designed and were erected in recent weeks on Gracefield House. They are a constant reminder to us to be people who strive for justice, sincerity, freedom, truth and joy in our lives. These values are at the heart of our school ethos and are as relevant today as they were for Mary Ward’s contemporaries.

Loreto Community

An Ghaeilge
1B and 1J enjoyed a walk around Balbriggan today, creating videos based on the áiseanna and siopaí of Baile Brigín for their Irish class. Maith sibh!
Mock exams have begun for 3rd year students this week and will continue until Friday 4th February.
Transition Year students will go on work experience for the next three weeks. We wish them well and know that they will be fantastic ambassadors for the school.
Leaving Cert Students will commence their mock exams on Monday 7th of February-18th February inclusive.