• Study Skills

First Year

In first year the focus is to guide students in developing practical techniques to assist them in settling into secondary school and to gain insight into techniques and tools that will help them learn better. This section is divided into three key areas

  1. Transitioning and settling in
  2. What learning is all about
  3. Managing information

Please follow the link to a Study guide for 1st year – 1st Year Study Guidelines

Second Year

In second year students engage more fully in the learning process. They build on the skills they learned in 1st year and will explore how and why the student should set goals for their Junior Cycle. They are provided with a study system that will support them throughout the junior cycle. The ‘Learning to Learn’ programme explores:

  1. The student as a learner
  2. Goals and Motivation for learning
  3. Memory and Study

Please follow the link to a study guide for 2nd year – 2nd year Study Guidelines

Third Year

This year focuses on preparing students for assessments. Students explore simple strategies that will help them manage the pressure they feel as they sit their first state exam.

  1. Purpose of assessment
  2. How to develop resilience as a learner
  3. Exam preparation

Please follow the link to study guide for 3rd year – 3rd Year Study Guidelines

Fifth Year

All 5th year students will attend a study skills seminar with Inspire.
The interactive Mastermind programme is an independent learning seminar and deals with the step up to the LC cycle. It places a strong emphasis on the students learning to think, act and study independently. The workshop consists of the following themes:

  • Efficient Learning – Core strategies to aid learning and revision; the optimum learning environment, note taking, interleaved practice, the Spacing Effect, Forget to Learn Theory and Retrieval Practice
  • Marginal Gains – Strategies to improve personal performance; collaboration, problem solving, research skills and time management tools
  • Mindset Matters – Examining ability beliefs and approaches to challenges
  • The Malleable Brain – The basics of brain biology and its link to learning; the differences in storage and retrieval strength in memory and why multisensory learning is important.

Students will follow the Reach+ programme and spend time reflecting on their current learning/study methods and how these can be improved. The topics covered are:

Learning Approaches

In this lesson, students will learn about the various learning styles. They will carry out their own Approaches to Learning Quiz to help them determine their own specific learning style. Knowing this information helps students to become more efficient in how they learn.

Learning Skills – Introduction

This lesson will provide students with an introduction to the importance of why they need to be well organised and prepared for Senior Cycle. Students will be introduced to the concept of exam target setting, study skills, goal setting and study behaviour.

Exam Targets

In this lesson, students will understand the importance of setting exam targets. They will add their subjects, their levels and begin to set their targets for the next school assessment.

Study Skills Questionnaire

Students will carry out a Study Skills Questionnaire to help measure their performance on a number of key study habits and routine.

Study Action Plan

Students will read through the various tips and suggestions offered on the App and decide on what changes they can realistically make to improve their study performance.

Please find links below to the reflective worksheets that students will complete:

Please follow the link to a study guide for 5th year – 5th Year Study Guidelines

Sixth Year

All 6th year students will attend a study skills seminar to refresh their learning/study skills.
Topics covered are:

    Self Belief & Success Visualisation.
    Revision Strategies relevant to student learning preferences.
    Exam Techniques.
    Planning and Time Management.
    Physiological and Psychological preparation in the run up to exams and coping with anxiety/stress.
    Resources – Learning Resource Guide and A3 Exam Countdown Planner

Please follow the link to a study guide for 6th year – 6th Year Study Guidelines

Additional resources

Study skills parent guide
Study Skills video, First things first
Study Skills workbook
Study tips for students with dyslexia
6 reasons to put your phone away
How to make a study plan
Phone Management ebook
How to Study
Careersportal website: Study Skills
Study website: StudyClix
Wikihow to study