• Head Girls Welcome

Head GirlsHello everyone!


Our names are Grace, Ali, Huriyah and Ruth and we are absolutely delighted to be your Head Girls this year. Welcome back to another academic year at Loreto Balbriggan, and we wish each and everyone of you an amazing year ahead filled with laughter, discovery and friendships. 


We are always here to support and guide you in any way that we can, alongside your teachers, year heads, deputy principles and your fellow classmates. When times of stress and difficulty do inevitably arise, take time to rest and breathe; there will always be tomorrow. 


To the first years, we can tell you that your journey here at Loreto Balbriggan will pass in the blink of an eye. Congratulations on navigating the first few weeks of secondary school and be proud of how far you have come already. If you are feeling overwhelmed, remember to be patient with yourself as you are adjusting to lots of new things! Through your six years we implore you to try new things, talk to new people and be brave enough to be yourself. You have so many opportunities in front of you, all you have to do is take them. We encourage you to participate in the plethora of extracurricular activities that our school has to offer, join something new and you never know; you might find a new passion. May your years to come be filled with joy, accomplishment and growth.


To the second years, after just finishing first year, you are now fully settled into secondary school and well into your Loreto journey. It is your time to shine and prove to yourself that you are capable of great things. It may seem like you have a long road ahead but trust us those six years will fly by. Use this year to get involved in something new and make the most of your valuable time here. Remember to work hard, have fun and most importantly; be kind to one another.


To the third years, you have finally reached the last chapter of your junior years in the school. You have all grown significantly since first year and it is time to believe in yourself and your abilities as you face your first state exams. Although the year ahead may have its challenges, it is important to take time to rest. Take advantage of all of the support systems we have in the school, and don’t put too much pressure on yourself; all you can do is your best. Look after yourself and everyone around you and you will no doubt enjoy yourself along the way.


To the TYs, in their new navy jumpers. Welcome to the senior side of the school. Transition year is one to remember and very different from any other. Between the Musical, BT Young Scientist, Junk Kouture, Trips and different sports teams there is something for everyone. We encourage you to push yourself out of your comfort zone and remember that what you put into the year is what you will get out of it. You will no doubt enjoy all that TY in Loreto has to offer and the memories you make this year will last you a lifetime.


To the fifth years, there is so much for you to look forward to this year. It is a time where your friendships strengthen, your goals come into focus and plans finally start to fall into place. Becoming senior prefects and leaders in the school, will provide you with many opportunities,while making long lasting memories of your secondary school years. Embrace the challenges as they come, and take it one day at a time. The Leaving Cert is a marathon not a sprint. Work hard, be kind to yourself and we wish you all the very best of luck this year. 


Finally, to our fellow sixth years, we are now at the beginning of the end of our time here in Loreto Balbriggan. We have earned the sixth year badge, the atrium and the ability to leave during lunch time. This bittersweet year will no doubt have its challenges and may seem daunting, but like everything else, we will make it through. And when the time comes for us to leave, may we take the memories and friendships that we have made here into our next new beginning. Take advantage of everything this year has to offer and we will reach the finish line before we know it. 


If you find yourself struggling to settle back into this school year, take a moment to remind yourself to take one step at a time, you are capable of great things. Settling back into a new school year can be challenging, but remember to never be afraid to ask for help. 


Remember to slow down, and appreciate what is right in front of you, be there for the people around you and don’t take anything for granted.🦋


We wish each and every one of you an amazing year ahead, remember to cherish your memories, and live in the moment.


Go raibh míle maith agaibh agus tá súil againn go mbeidh bliain den céad scoth againn an bhliain seo.


Slán go fóil


Your Head Girls, 

Grace, Ali, Huriyah and Ruth