Fingal Student Enterprise Programme.
Fingal Student Enterprise Final.

Above are the winners with Oisín Geooghegan, Head of Enterprise, Fingal County Council, Mayor, Cllr Seána Ó Rodaigh and Emer O’Gorman, Director of Services, Fingal County Council.
Our U15 and U17 soccer teams enjoyed success this week in their respective leagues. On Thursday the U15s beat St Joseph’s Rush 7-2, while the U17 team also beat St Joseph’s 3-2. Both teams are waiting to hear if they will proceed to the league finals.

Student Leadership
Well done to 5th year students Laura Kilbride and Orla Davey who spoke about what it means to be a faith leader within the school community on Monday evening at mass, as part of a reflection series during Lent. The girls received very positive feedback from the congregation.
Seachtain Na Gaeilge
Chun críoch a chur leis na himeachtaí do Sheachtain na Gaeilge, all 1st year students performed ” An Dreoilín” after some rigorous rehearsals sa rang Gaeilge. Tá súil againn gur bhain gach duine taitneamh as an Seachtain.
First Aid
Many thanks to Sheila Linden who works with the Civil Defense and facilitated a very informative First Aid training on Wednesday afternoon. It included CPR and Defibrillator training as well as basic First Aid.