Career Fair
On Wednesday, we held our first career fair for all TY, 5th and 6th-year students since the pandemic. We are very pleased to say that Trinity, DCU, UCD, TUD, UL, Maynooth, along with 30 other colleges attended. Representatives from An Garda Síochána, The Air Corps, Dublin Fire Brigade, DDLTB Apprenticeships and the Civil Service were also present.
However, we are particularly pleased to have had a further 145 speakers, mainly past pupils who came that evening to talk about their careers what they studied and their career journey to date. There were some very interesting career path journeys in which the students had a real interest.
It was a fantastic opportunity for students to speak to people who have gone through different experiences and discover the different entry routes to various careers. The speakers also gave a realistic insight into their careers. We would like to thank all those involved who came to the evening and gave so generously of their time. The students found the whole experience to be very informative and inspiring.
Well done to the Ember Yewam who graduated on Thursday with twenty schools from the Dublin diocese. The students went to St Patrick’s college, DCU for the day and gave a presentation on their work this year. This was followed by Mass, celebrated by Archbishop Dermott Farrell in the church on campus. Each member of the team has acted as a faith leader and role model in the school and Thursday was a celebration of their journey to date

Senior English
On Wednesday, Ms. Byrne’s 5th year English class visited the Séamus Heaney: Listen Now Again exhibition in Dublin. The girls received an informative talk on their studied poems and then enjoyed looking around the exhibition.
TY News
Junk Kouture
On Thursday evening two groups participated in the Junk Kouture final in the 3 ARENA. Both costumes performed brilliantly ‘Toxic Manipulations’ created & modelled by Breonna McCann & Anna Butler and Medusa’s Cry created and modelled by Jessica Chen. It is a fantastic achievement to reach the final and we are very proud of both groups. The whole show of all 80 finalists will be aired on RTÉ2 at 7 pm on May 18th.

1st Year Soccer