BT Young Scientist : Best of Luck to Ella and Annabel!

We are incredibly proud of our talented young scientists, Ella Nicholson (Transition Year) and Annabel Hackett (2nd Year), who have been showcasing their outstanding projects at the BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition in the RDS since Wednesday.

Ella’s project, “Do we experience magic the same way? How gender, age, and state of mindfulness can affect our susceptibility to magic tricks and how well people pay attention”, explores fascinating questions in the field of Social & Behavioural Sciences. Her research sheds light on how different factors influence our ability to perceive and react to illusions. Annabel’s project, “Root Rivalry: Do heritage seeds outgrow their modern competition?”, investigates an essential topic in Biological & Ecological Sciences. By comparing the growth patterns of heritage and modern seeds, Annabel explores the potential benefits of preserving biodiversity in agriculture. Both students are competing individually, with Ella in the Intermediate category and Annabel in the Junior category.

As the competition draws to a close today, and we are rooting for both girls as we await the results. We wish Ella and Annabel the very best of luck and would like to congratulate them on all their hard work, creativity, and passion.