Junior Cycle Assessment

Dear Parent/Guardian,

I hope that this communication finds you and your daughter well.

Below are details regarding the assessment of Junior Cycle for the class of 2020.

  • A State Certificate of completion of Junior Cycle will be issued by the Department of Education and Skills stating that the students have completed three years of Junior Cycle education in their various range of subjects.
  • A School Report setting out the learning achievements of students in Junior cycle will be issued in June through our administration system Compass. This will include grades and comments for each subject and descriptors of CBAs where possible.

The grading aspect of the school report will be structured as follows:

  • 80% will be based on grades awarded in previous school-based assessments including Christmas and summer reports and mock exams.
  • 10% will be awarded for an online task to be completed between now and the end of this term. Teachers will advise students on the mode of assessment and the nature of the task depending on their particular subject.
  • 10% will be awarded on your daughter’s engagement with her work over the past three years.

Note: A number of practical subjects may be graded differently according to marks awarded for practical components of the assessment. Teachers will advise students on the marking scheme for the particular subject. 

It is understandable that these are testing times for all families in our community and the above strategy is to ensure a minimization of stress among families at this time as advised by the Department of education and Skills. Please ensure that your daughter engages with teachers during the last few weeks of term.

Yours sincerely,


Ann Marie McDonough,

Secretary, Board of Management.