Visit from Loreto Rumbek & Fingal Enterprise Launch

We were delighted to welcome Sr. Orla Treacy and Sr. Noelle Corscadden to our school today, where they shared their inspiring experiences working in South Sudan. They gave two engaging talks: one for our Junior students and another for our Seniors, highlighting the incredible impact of their work at Loreto Rumbek.

Loreto Rumbek is a vital community resource, consisting of a primary school, a secondary school, and a Primary Health Care facility. The primary school serves students from kindergarten through Primary 8, offering education to the youngest members of the community. At Loreto Rumbek, the focus is on nurturing each student’s academic, personal, spiritual, and social growth within a caring, respectful, and safe environment guided by the values of our foundress, Mary Ward.

During their visit, Sr. Orla and Sr. Noelle also shared an exciting new project. In response to an appeal from Loreto Rumbek graduates, they hope to establish a new school in Aweil, South Sudan. This ambitious initiative aims to extend the Loreto educational model, continuing to uplift communities through education.

We are looking forward to our upcoming fundraising day, Loreto Rumbek Day on 25th October when we can help make this vision a reality and further expand the positive impact of Loreto’s mission in South Sudan.



Fingal Enterprise Programme Launch 2024/2025


We were delighted to be invited to the Fingal student enterprise programme launch event for 2024/2025 on Wednesday 18th in Fingal County Hall. Many of our successful entrepreneurs from last year including Junior winners ‘Bumblez’, Intermediate winners ‘Crafty Trilogy’ and Senior Runners Up ‘Have a Cuppa’ represented the school along with their teachers.