New Challenges
PE Xpo
On Tuesday we held our first ever PE XPo school competition. PE Xpo is a competition that examines the science behind sport. It is a project-based competition that gives teachers and students an opportunity to showcase their school’s achievements in the area of delivering quality physical education. The judges had a very difficult task as there were so many varied and interesting projects on display. The winners will be announced next week and will represent the school in DCU at PE XPo Ireland Competition on March 29th.
Junior Home Economics
This week 3rd Year Home Economics students were busy practising their dishes for their Practical Cookery Exam in the coming weeks. There were some really tasty dishes prepared, cooked and served using a variety of skills! Well done girls!
Seachtain an Gaeilge.
Tá seachtain na Gaeilge faoi lán seol anois sa scoil. Here are some photos of Second Year and TY students from Rang Ms. Kearney completing their Tóraíocht Taisce for Seachtain na Gaeilge. They had to locate different things around the school and complete challenges as Gaeilge.
Radio Interview for BTYS winners
With National Tree Week on the horizon, (19th – 26th of March) our BT Young Scientists Abigail, Erica and Olivia were invited to discuss their BTYS project on “Can We Save the Common Ash?” for Mooney Goes Wild on RTE Radio which aired on Monday night. We are so proud of their achievements and the significance of their findings has sparked plenty of interest due to the impact Ash Dieback is having in Ireland.
TY Musical, ‘Legally Blonde Jr
TY students are very proud to present this year’s Musical ‘Legally Blonde Jr. Preparation is well and truly underway as full day rehearsals began on Thursday. It will run for three nights from Tuesday 28th-Thursday 30th of March. There will also be matinée performances for the local primary schools.
Future in Film

Leinster Finalists
What an exciting week for our minor hockey team, who after winning their quarter final on Wednesday, and now their semi final on Friday vs Holy Child Killiney, are now through to the Leinster Minor Plate final on Monday in Three Rock Rover hockey club. An amazing team who have gone from strength to strength this year, we wish them the best of luck for Monday!
On March 4th, two senior debate teams took part in Trinity’s Hist Girls Mace Debate. It was a great opportunity for the debaters to meet and compete against students from other schools in Dublin, all the while giving up their entire Saturday to the competition. Both teams performed incredibly well with Lauren O’Neill and Ciara Malon (6th Year) ranking well and Alison Forde (TY) and Rebecca Lyons (5th Year) making it to the final round. Well done girls.
Congratulations to the Minor and Junior basketball teams who are both through to the Semi Finals of the Loreto League and the East League! The Minors won 24-16 against Mt. Anvil and the Juniors won 47-33 against Kishoge CC. The teams have put in tremendous efforts over the last few weeks and months at training and in matches to make it this far. Best of luck to them in the Semi Finals.
Gardening Club
An tseachtain seo sa chlub garraíodóireachta, bhí na cailíní ag athphotáil a gcuid cachtas. This week in gardening club, the girls were working on potting on their cacti.