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Inter Loreto Senior Debates
  • 17 Jan, 2024

Inter Loreto Senior Debates

Community service, riots, and Transition Year were the topics of the day debated by our senior English debaters in the inter-Loreto debate competition. The girls wrote and presented compelling speeches and had a great time arguing their…

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BT Young Scientist Best Group Winners 2024
  • 12 Jan, 2024

BT Young Scientist Best Group Winners 2024

The BT Young Scientist competition celebrates 60 years this year and once again Loreto Balbriggan has been placed in the top four finalists in the competition in the RDS. Congratulations to Abigail O’Brien Murray, Olivia…

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Transition Year Theme
  • 12 Jan, 2024

Transition Year Theme

  Dreams The TY theme was announced today and the students were presented with their badges. Well done to the Theme Committee that has worked tirelessly to create the theme “Dreams” and design the badge…

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Senior Volleyball
  • 10 Jan, 2024

Senior Volleyball

The Senior Girls Volleyball Team lost in a very tight match against Ardee CC today. The match came down to a very close 3rd set. Well done to the girls for a brilliant performance!  

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  • 8 Jan, 2024

Today Loreto Balbriggan was to welcome Dr. Orla Sherlock, Maryellen Kelledy and Siobhan Molloy from DkIT  as part of the “DkIT Loves STEM” roadshow. The ladies carried out two workshop sessions about Life/Health Sciences and…

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