• Latest News

The Light to Find my Truth
  • 24 Sep, 2021

The Light to Find my Truth

School Mass On Friday we had our Opening Year Mass . Father Donal Toal visited the school to lead us in celebration of the opening of the school year. The theme for the Mass was…

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Erasmus European School of Excellence
  • 17 Sep, 2021

Erasmus European School of Excellence

Loreto Secondary School, Balbriggan has been named a European School of Excellence, coming first place in the ‘European Innovative Teaching Award’. Twenty one of the school’s participating teachers travelled to educational institutions around Europe in…

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Parents Association AGM presentation
  • 15 Sep, 2021

Parents Association AGM presentation

Please click on this link to view the presentation given by our guest Speaker, John Doran, at our virtual AGM on Monday night. If you were unable to attend the AGM, we hope you enjoy…

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The Future looks bright
  • 10 Sep, 2021

The Future looks bright

For the first time in a while there was a great sense of hope when we met up with some of the class of 2021 on Wednesday. Many of the students have secured places in…

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Fantastic Leaving Certificate Results.
  • 6 Sep, 2021

Fantastic Leaving Certificate Results.

We would like to congratulate the amazing class of 2021 for their outstanding Leaving Certificate results. This remarkable group of students stayed focused and showed great resilience through very tough times to achieve these wonderful…

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September 3rd
  • 3 Sep, 2021

September 3rd

This week we welcomed 240 new first years to Loreto Balbriggan. We look forward to the next six years with our new students as they begin their secondary education and how each and everyone of…

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